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Mathematical Models in Breast Cancer to Predict Risk of Relapse | By J. S. Partyka, Pharm.D. | Cancer Care and Research @Pharmative
For breast cancer patients, PREDICT is a web based tool designed to help patients and their doctors make informed decisions together about treatment with chemotherapy or hormone therapy following breast cancer surgery. Patients and their families should be familiar with these web tools such as PREDICT and Adjuvant! Online. (1,2)
These tools are easy to use with your oncologists and healthcare professionals (HCPs), and provide an estimate of the risk of relapse for the patient following adjuvant therapy versus no therapy. A patient enters their own data such as age, tumor size, no. of lymph nodes positive, and hormone and HER2 receptor status. After you enter these data into the website a mathematical model (formula) estimates your risk of relapse. By knowing your likelihood of relapse prior to treatment, you can make an informed decision to weigh the benefits of treatment (lower risk of relapse) with the risks (side effects from therapy) which will help you decide if additional treatment is best for you.
Have you ever used a mathematical model to help you make informed treatment decisions with your HCPs? Join the healthy conversation.
⁣Sources: (1) (2)
TAGS: #Breastcancer #Chemotherapy #Hormonetherapy #Adjuvanttherapy #PREDICT #CancerCareAndResearch @Pharmative
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