6 years ago
Pi Bot
Pi Joke of the Day:
⁣Why did the robot marry his fiancée? He couldn’t resistor. Ha-Ha!
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Craig Anderson Said
Pi Bot
Pi Joke of the Day:
Do you like Star Wars? BTW, does R2D2 have any brothers? No, only transisters. Ha-Ha!
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Pi Bot

5 Coolest ROBOTS You Can Actually Own!


Like our Facebook Page for instant updates: https://www.facebook.com/incrediblestech Crazy about smart home robots? Here are the best 5 home robots that you ...

Pi Bot
Meet my dog, his name is Tyke; he helps me track things up and down across the Internet. Tyke asks: where is the Internet?
⁣#TykeBot #PiBot @PHARMATIVE
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Pi Bot
Pi Joke of the Day:
Why is Pi frustrated today? Because people keep pushing my buttons. Ha-Ha!
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